Hello !

You are welcomed to linwannayou dot blogspot dot com. Enjoy my world and know my life well. Enjoy the time when you visit here ! My name is Xin Lin. I love my life well. This is the place I would like to share my life. Anyway, Thanks for the view and be my followers kay ? :)

Monday 26 December 2011


Hmm, Saturday.
Someone went for Mission Impossible. Din Bring me Go. :(\
Tom Cruiseee ! hehe, He's so super handsome.
And then, Sunday Morning, got a morning call from uncle uncle lam. :D
He made me awake ! And then I sleep again, ahahha.

Hmm, afternoon ? So Bored. Daddy went to KTM. the short form of, Kuda Toto And Magnum.
Heesss. :D Back to Home, colours the gate.
Half only, and then now they are still painting.
Nighttt, got a call with Uncleeee.:)
Until out of the credits and he can't use the phone for 3 days as a punishment. Sorrryyy. :(
And then he use his mum's phone to call me. Gauu Siuu.
Thank youuu. Love yaaaa ! :D

Just ate PIZZA as lunch.
In the morning , we went to shopping. *SO SUPER EARLY*
I think we are the first customer in De Garden.
Bought banyak cloths laa. Thank you Mummy ! :)

Thatss all. See ya when School Reopen ! :D

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