Hello !

You are welcomed to linwannayou dot blogspot dot com. Enjoy my world and know my life well. Enjoy the time when you visit here ! My name is Xin Lin. I love my life well. This is the place I would like to share my life. Anyway, Thanks for the view and be my followers kay ? :)

Tuesday 27 December 2011

I got to be speechless and.

I Don't like you when you talk like I don't care.
I don't like you are acting like, 'Yeahh, everyone likes me."
Stop being you are strong, you want me respect you, please respect me first.
You just thought that I am just caring ? well, other than that ? 
If that's your STYLE , as you said. Go whatever you like. 
I don't want to care ANYMORE. 
I know you got tired. Go rest and , I will wait for you when you woke up and being clearly. 
I am not that kind of , people for you to let you play and those . 

You got blur , go sleep and don't talk to me before you get clear ! 
Look into my eyes, you know you made how sad I am . :'(

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