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You are welcomed to linwannayou dot blogspot dot com. Enjoy my world and know my life well. Enjoy the time when you visit here ! My name is Xin Lin. I love my life well. This is the place I would like to share my life. Anyway, Thanks for the view and be my followers kay ? :)

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Woohoo ! :D

Fun with guys yesterday ! :D
First, thanks to the guys  for the surprise. Aww, Gam dong !
I love all of you. ;)
When I opened the book , I just like , OMG. Thanks . :)
The guys are , Yi Ying , Huey Mun , Durian , Huey See , Ah Leong , Carmen and also Jess Min.
Thanks a lot , thanks a lot ! :)
I will never forget all of you. :)

First , after recess , I saw these guys are sitting infront of the science lab and sang songs !
I ran down and met them , we sang songs together ! whoots , fun man !
You can just feel the family warm with them. Aww.
They are really awesome. Really really.

After that , the stupid teacher called us go in, go in lorr.
Then , Yi Ying and me ran out the class and we went to watch the poem competition.
Congrates to Carmen , you really spoke well ! :)
Saw Carmen and XXX talk here talk there , sweetnya !
And then itu Pn.Florence and Pn.Looi sang songs worr , Zau Yumm geh. AHAHA.

Back to class, saw Nuriffah and Ah Leong playing with a thing, go near in, saw a SNAIL. -.-
Durian said this snail found by Huey See and her , alright , it is quite cute.
Then , they found a caterpillar , then they put them together and played.
They named the snail, GARY and the caterpillar named , Letter or lantern ?! I also don't know.
Brought Gary into the class and played with it, Gary berak in the class ! Ewwwwww.
Alright then Jess Min said that its shell gonna drop off so we quickly put it back to the grass.
Bye Bye , Gary . See you again. :)

That's all.
2P6, Thank you .
Friends , Thank you for cheering me up.
Thanks for those who gave me the surprise. I really get shocked ! :)
Anyway, Thanks alot. 

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