Hello !

You are welcomed to linwannayou dot blogspot dot com. Enjoy my world and know my life well. Enjoy the time when you visit here ! My name is Xin Lin. I love my life well. This is the place I would like to share my life. Anyway, Thanks for the view and be my followers kay ? :)

Saturday 12 November 2011

Thank you, thank you , thank you.

Once again, thank you to those who take care of me, be my side when things happened.
Thank you , thank you.

I really felt okay already.That day, I really syok , I just cried for, 5 times ! Yerr, I am so ugly laa.
Actually, I knew that then I am already okay, but after coming the MPH, I saw MEI QI , straightly the tears running out the eyes , drop drop and drops. Felt so sorry about that, I made MEI QI's shirt all wet.

Nurrifah also, Thank you for being my side.
She was looking at me, when I am crying like hell. OH GOSH.

Okay,nothing happen . Tried to stop the tears, then okay already.
Next, the Ms.HOE HUEY MUN just back from OC , she saw me then she hugged me. Thank you  thank you.
CRIED again, Ahduiii. She told me, "Everything will be alright, I will be here . " She cried too. Aww, gamm dong. Then horr, MEI QI came, I hugged her, CRIED hardly, so super goshh. She told me, " Cry it out, don't keep in your heart, after crying, NO MORE TEARS , promise me kay ? "

I heard this, sure felt so gam dong laa. Cried it out , NO MORE TEARS . I told myself, next year, I will be getting a better results ! GAR YAU , SIA XIN LIN ! :D

Huey see ,
don't cry laa, not pretty looo.
She will be same class with you when FORM 4 , just wait for her, and you gar yau , try your best in the PMR ! Good Luck and All The Best ! Iloveyou , we are always friends. Once a friend , always a friend.
I will wait for you !

And also those 2P6's students , I will miss you all. We will meet again in Form 4.
Once again, thanks to all the one who by my side . Once again, thanks to 2P6, I miss you.
And also, once again, special thanks to the one I love, ILOVEYOU. :)

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Hey,thanks for the view yaa,

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