Hello !

You are welcomed to linwannayou dot blogspot dot com. Enjoy my world and know my life well. Enjoy the time when you visit here ! My name is Xin Lin. I love my life well. This is the place I would like to share my life. Anyway, Thanks for the view and be my followers kay ? :)

Friday 28 October 2011


Hey , bloggie. Long time no see.
Today, I am gonna post up all the flashbackss.
LOTS LOTS of Photos.
Here, I am specially thanks to someone .

Neh, The one who give me the best present ever.
You know who you are lerrr, don't be proud ! :P

and then , here also specially thanks to those who celebrate my birthday with me.
Those best jimui laa , and then the pretty one , cute ones , noisy one , naughty one sweet one and dot dot dot.

Finish exams , enjoy is the most important one ! Agree bohh ?
Chit-chat in the class, make noise in the class , talk about this and that. Gossips gossips.
We are so awesome ! And , we always make our ching ching so angry ! HAHAHA.
Oh well, I can't think if my life without them. :0

Huey See ,
Thank you for checking my exams papers. :)
Without me horr , sure you all less one noisy one. HAHAHA.
Cheer up lerrr ! :)

My very awesome deskmate, Miss Hoe Huey Mun. :)
Thank you laa prettayyy, eh, got one good news for you !
You get A's in your seni tau ?
So , don't always say you don't have A laa ! Yorr !
You will get it . :)

Oh well , I am praying for my results !
RAWR , Can't sleep whole night adyy ! :(

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