Hello !

You are welcomed to linwannayou dot blogspot dot com. Enjoy my world and know my life well. Enjoy the time when you visit here ! My name is Xin Lin. I love my life well. This is the place I would like to share my life. Anyway, Thanks for the view and be my followers kay ? :)

Tuesday 10 January 2012

No other.

The year, 2012.
The month, January.
The day, 10th.

The first month, Hello people.
I have met some new friends well.
Heyy, ANGIE ANGIE. My new deskmate, she is so cuteeee and she is really so funny. AHAHA.
And YUNN YII, the very cute one, FEI ONE.
And and and, others laa.

 I like this type of feel. ;D
I need to cut my fringe again.
 Nama saya Sia Xin Lin. :D
 Yooo. I am getting fair oh.
You know I can't even say that bye to you.
 Satisfied with you, fall to you and I can't even off myself to look at you.
 Hello people, it's SATURDAYY !
Hello hello baby, can you hear me?
Hello people hello world, how do you feel today and do you miss someone everyday? :)
I hate it when Monday is so far to Friday and Friday is so near to Monday. :(

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Hey,thanks for the view yaa,

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